This adventure started in September of 2008 and ended in January 2009 in Paris. It was a gift to myself to celebrate 60 years on earth...this time. It was part of the 2008=60 tour along with the 2008 Scooter Diaries. I was not blogging then, but just sending emails to friends. Some days are missing. Hopefully I will recover them. I blog my adventures now as much as a way to store the story on line, so I can find them, as much as it is to share with others.


So, there I was setting in my nice warm and dry apartment.  I had just had a nice salad for lunch with a glass of wine and I was watching the french news.  They were talking about tne new James Bond movie.
Him:  "Maybe we can go see the movie". (thinking "future" )
Her:" I don't want to see it if it is in French"
Him: "Well, we could walk down some time and see if it is in english."
several minutes pass
Her: "Lets walk down and see if it is in English"
Him:" In this weather? "(weather- heavy rain and 80km winds)
Her: "It is not raining that bad". 
Him:  "In this weather ????"(glancing out the window he notes that the rain has stopped and the sky is not dark black any more but a dark gray) 
Her: "yes let's go, it won't be that bad"
45 minutes later back in the warm apartment
So what did "him" learn from all of this:
1. The weatherman was right, it is heavy rain with 80 to 90 km winds
2. James Bond is not in English
3. The coat he brought is not waterproof
4. That little umbrella "her" bought for "him" is not worth a damn in "heavy rain and 80 to 90 km"
5. And most important......keep your mouth shut!!!!!!
Ken Wilson
“Heureux qui comme Ulysse a fait un beau voyage !..”